
Below are some useful links to online information on topics such as

  • Health and environment
  • Education and study abroad
  • List of sample publications from my research

Health and environment

Health risk due to ambient (outdoor air pollution), World Health Organization (WHO)

A review on environmental and health impacts of air pollution, National Institute of Environmental Health Services (NIH), US Government

How air pollution affects our health, European Environment Agency

Health impacts of air quality, Department of Health and Aged Care, Australian Government

US EPA research on health effects from air pollution, US Environmental Protection Agency

Air quality data and information on state of air quality, New South Wales Government

Air Quality Observations from Space, NASA

Visualize data spatially on Worldview, NASA

Education and study abroad

Information for Chinese students who are interested to study abroad (Australia)

您如果有意来澳大利亚留学, 可以访问一下网站

悉尼大学 – 留学网站

新南威尔士大学 – 留学网站

Sample publications from my research

Lead authored work

  1. Jiang N, Akter R, Ross G et al 2023. On thresholds for controlling negative particle (PM2.5) readings in air quality reporting. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 195: 1187. doi: //
  2. Jiang N. 2017. Upper Hunter Dust Risk Forecasting Scheme Development. Final report to the NSW Environmental Protection Authority, August 2017.  New South Wales Government, Office of Environment and Heritage: Sydney. upper-hunter-dust-risk-forecasting-scheme-development-final-report-170707.pdf
  3. Jiang N, Scorgie Y, Hart M, Riley ML, Crawford J, Beggs PJ, Edwards GC, Chang L, Salter D, Virgilio GD. 2016. Visualising the relationships between synoptic circulation type and air quality in Sydney, a subtropical coastal-basin environment. International Journal of Climatology.
  4. Jiang N, Scorgie Y, Hart M, Riley ML, Crawford J, Beggs PJ, Edwards GC, Chang L, Salter D, Virgilio GD. 2016. Visualising the relationships between synoptic circulation type and air quality in Sydney, a subtropical coastal-basin environment. Supporting information. International Journal of Climatology.
  5.  Jiang N, Luo K, Beggs PJ, Cheung K, Scorgie Y. 2015. Insights into the implementation of synoptic weather-type classification using self-organizing maps: an Australian case study. International Journal of Climatology 35: 3471-3485. doi: 10.1002/joc.4221
  6. Jiang N, Riley ML. 2015. Exploring the utility of the random forest method for forecasting ozone pollution in Sydney. Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development 1: 245-254.
  7. Jiang N, Dirks KN, Luo K. 2014. Effects of local, synoptic and large-scale climate conditions on daily nitrogen dioxide concentrations in Auckland, New Zealand. International Journal of Climatology DOI: 10.1002/joc.3808.
  8. Jiang N, Scorgie Y, Riley M, Rivett K, Trieu T. 2014. Air Quality Trends in Sydney, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Report compiled to inform the Advisory Committee on Tunnel Air Quality, July 2014.
  9. Jiang N, Cheung K, Luo K, Beggs PJ, Zhou W. 2012. On two different objective procedures for classifying synoptic weather types over east Australia. International Journal of Climatology 32: 1475-1494. DOI: 10.1002/joc.2373.
  10. Jiang N, Dirks KN, Luo K. 2013. Classification of synoptic weather types using the self-organising map and its application to climate and air quality data visualisation. Weather and Climate 33: 52-75.
  11. Jiang, N., Griffiths, G., Lorrey A., 2012. Influence of large-scale climate modes on New Zealand synoptic weather types. International Journal of Climatology doi: 10.1002/joc.3443.
  12. Jiang, N., Griffiths, G., Dirk, K., 2011c. Linking New Zealand synoptic weather types to daily rainfall in Auckland. Weather and Climate, 31, 50-66.
  13. Jiang, N., 2010. A new objective procedure for classifying New Zealand synoptic weather types during 1958-2008. International Journal of Climatology, 31, 863-879. doi: 10.1002/joc.2126.
  14. Jiang, N., 2010. Application of two different weather typing procedures: an Australian case study. ISBN 3639278364, 978-3639278361. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller e.K.: Germany.
  15. Jiang, N. 2008. Quality of the Auckland Airshed – A New Zealand Case Study. ISBN 3836490021, 978-3836490023. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller e.K.: Germany.
  16. Jiang, N., Hay, J.E., Fisher, G.W., 2005a. Synoptic weather patterns and morning rush hour nitrogen oxides concentrations during Auckland winters. Weather and Climate, 25, 43-69.
  17. Jiang, N., Hay, J.E., Fisher, G.W., 2005b. Effects of meteorological conditions on concentrations of nitrogen oxides in Auckland. Weather and Climate, 24, 15-34.
  18. Jiang, N., Hay, J.E., Fisher, G.W., 2004. Classification of New Zealand synoptic weather types and relation to the Southern Oscillation Index. Weather and Climate, 23, 3-23.
  19. Jiang, N., Luo, H., 1996. Effects of the Heating of the Tibetan Plateau on the onset of East Asian Summer Monsoon (review article). Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, S1 (3), 198-203. 
  20. Jiang, N., Luo, H., 1995. First transition of the atmospheric circulation in Asia around mid-May from 7-year mean ECMWF data (English version). Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 1, 34-45.
  21. Jiang, N., Luo, H., 1995. The first transition of the circulation in Asia around mid-May from 7-year mean ECMWF data (Chinese version). Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 11 (4), 289-296.
  22. Jiang, N., Luo, H., 1994. Intraseasonal variations of the atmospheric heat sources and moisture sinks over the Asian monsoon region. Part II: Moisture sinks. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 10, 1-8
  23. Jiang, N., Luo, H., 1993. Intraseasonal variations of the atmospheric heat sources and moisture sinks over the Asian monsoon region. Part I: Heat sources. Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 9, 299-307.

Co-authored work

  1. Crawford J, Griffiths A, Cohen DD, Jiang N, Stelcer E. 2015. Particulate pollution in the Sydney region: source diagnostics and synoptic controls. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2015.02.0081.
  2. Di Virgilio G, Hart MA, Jiang NB. 2018. Meteorological controls on atmospheric particulate pollution during hazard reduction burns. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. DOI:  
  3. Di Virgilio G, Hart MA, Maharaj AM, Jiang N. 2021. Air quality impacts of the 2019–2020 Black Summer wildfires on Australian schools. Atmospheric Environment 261: 118450.
  4. Folland, C.K., Salinger, M.J., Jiang, N., Rayner, N.A., 2003. Trends and variations in South Pacific island and ocean surface temperatures. Journal of Climate, 16, No. 17, 2859-2874.
  5. Ji F, Evans JP, Di Luca A, Jiang N, Olson R, Fita F, Argüeso D, Chang LT-C, Scorgie Y, Riley M. 2019. Projected Change in Characteristics of Near Surface Temperature Inversions for Southeast Australia. Climate Dynamics. 
  6. Price O, Horsey B, Jiang N. 2016. Local and regional smoke impacts from prescribed fires. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 16: 2247-2257. doi: 10.5194/nhess-16-2247-2016. 
  7. Riley M, Watt S, Jiang N. 2022. Tropospheric ozone measurements at a rural town in New South Wales, Australia. Atmospheric Environment 28(3): 119143.
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